Abstract. To increase the accuracy of pipes in terms of wall thickness, the optimal barrel diameters of TPU rolls 8-16" with pilger mills for rolling pipes with a diameter of 273 to 630 mm were deter-mined, the optimal angle of transverse release of the polishing section and longitudinal release of rolls for rolling pipes with a diameter of 508, 530, 550, 610 and 630 mm, its influence on the transverse wall difference of pipes and the dependence of the wall difference of pipes with diameters of 508, 530, 550,610 and 630 mm on the polishing coefficient is theoretically substantiated.
Keywords: pilger mill, pilger mill roll, mandrel, striker, polishing section, longitudinal tapping angle, transverse tapping angle, cross-helical rolling mill, process furnace, sleeve, pipe, feeding apparatus, feed amount, calibrating mill, straightening mill.